1. Unavoidable and Inevitable Choice
By design, God created man in His Own image and after His Own likeness endowing man with the inalienable rightful ability to morally distinguish between good and evil and with the inability to avoid the choice between the two. Thus, at all times man was, is and remains accountable for all his doings.
2. Transcendental Sin
By design, God assiduously orders the creation, which from its very first manifestation has been substantially in the shadows of sin. The supernatural and the natural creation have always been and will always be finite. Thus, creation inherently lacks the knowledge, the understanding, the wisdom, the power and the presence to overcome and eliminate sin.
3. Unlimited Election
By design, God inherently is the rightful unrestrained Proprietor of the supernatural and the natural creation. Thus, He acts unimpeded when He righteously and judiciously orders the restrain or elimination of sin upon some part of creation presently and lastly upon the whole assembly of supernatural and natural elect of His personal creation.
4. Limitless Atonement
By design, God alone is the means by which His Holy, Holy, Holy justice is kept untainted by the creation. Thus, with one stroke He did both: Sacrificed Himself and displayed His Omnifectionate Mercy, His Omnipotent Grace and His Omniscient Wisdom in the invention of the only way of forgiveness from sin through His Only Begotten Son in the flesh – Lord Jesus the Christ.
5. Irrefutable Grace
By design, God unobstructedly bestows with full pleasure His favor and His patience upon the supernatural and natural creation unremittingly ordering every event of His creation according to His own inescapable plan. Thus, the elect have always been in Jesus Christ before the supernatural and the natural creation came to pass.
6. Persevering Christ
By design, God through Jesus Christ is committed by His personal sacrifice to ever make intercession for His supernatural and natural elect. Thus, His ever enduring assiduity via His Spirit in every one of the supernatural elect and natural elect, guarantees the eternal cohabitation with Him. Christ is Risen!!!